It has long been thought by holistic practitioners that stress is the cause of all disease. We attract stress from all directions –chemical stress from the polluted air we breathe, and from pesticides and herbicides on our fruits and vegetables. We eat chemically produced GMO foods and foods full of MSG and other preservatives. We are bombarded by emotional stress: family, workplace, finances, and relationships. Physical stress includes car accidents, sports injuries, physical labour relating to some jobs, micro-trauma and repetitive stress and strain injuries related to sedentary jobs involving computer work.

If we become aware of our chemical and physical stresses in our lives, we can be pro-active in addressing them. We can alter the way we eat toward a more organic alkaline diet, which many of us are already doing. We can add more exercise and stretching to our daily routines. We can also incorporate regular alternative, holistic approaches to health care to improve our physical health and well-being. But what do we do to deal with or remove our emotional stresses? What we think about has a greater overall effect on our health than what we eat and drink, how we exercise and what quality of air we breathe, and how much rest we get – all combined. It’s no longer prudent to believe that ‘you are what you eat’. Now we are what we think.

What we think about we bring about. It is the Universal Law of Attraction. So in order for us to achieve optimal health and rid ourselves of chronic ailments and disease, we need to get our heads on straight. How do we do that, you may ask. The answer is an easy one – the process depends on each individual.

Dr. McLauchlan has made it her goal to help her patients remove any interference that could be blocking your health potential. She is an Elite Master B.E.S.T. practitioner (Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique) and has been treating patients with B.E.S.T. since 2006. B.E.S.T. is a mind-body healing technique developed by Dr. M.T. Morter Jr. in 1970. It is a state-of-the-art system of health care that works towards balancing body/mind/memory/soul energy fields by removing interference between your body and the power that made your body. When this interference exists, symptoms develop and health deteriorates. Removing this interference allows the body to repair and rebuild your damaged, sometimes painful condition.

B.E.S.T. works by touching certain key pressure points in the proper sequence with the proper energy and intent while having the patient think about a specific memory stress that is reactive. The interference is then removed and the patient’s body will begin to reconnect, and re-communicate with their brain. The brain controls all functions of the body. When the brain and the body work together with the interference removed, body balance and a deep healing are the result.

In this office we offer a unique, breakthrough approach to patient care called Koren Specific Technique (K.S.T.). There is no twisting, turning, “cracking” or “popping” of the joints with KST; instead, you receive gentle, specific corrections to your spine and structural system. Most adjustments or corrections are done with you standing or sitting. The gentleness of this technique is especially enjoyable for infants and children.

KST is very gentle and yet very powerful. Patients usually notice dramatic changes from the first visit. KST permits us to easily correct or adjust your body for subluxations wherever they may arise. This includes your cranial bones, TMJ, entire spinal (vertebral) column, sacrum, coccyx, discs, hips, sternum, ribs, femur heads (upper thigh bones), shoulders, knees, feet, hands, and anything else that needs correcting.

We use an Arthrostim instrument for these corrections which allows us an increased capability to target and control force more specifically to correct subluxations, distortions, interferences and/or stress. These distortions in your body/nervous system interfere with your flow of energy and internal communication and adversely affect body function. KST quickly locates subluxations and releases them using the Arthrostim (or as Dr. Jenn calls it – The Woodpecker), permitting your body/mind to function at a higher level of efficiency, harmony, communication and health.

KST is a very specific technique – which means that we analyze your body to find out precisely what is out of position (locked, distorted, imbalanced) that is interfering with your proper function. Knowing precisely what direction your subluxation is out of position tells us where to introduce the tapping force needed to produce a correction (adjustment). The more specific the analysis, the less energy/force needed for the correction. Clinical experience also tells us that the more specific the correction (adjustment), the longer it will hold or stay in place.

Many people report a feeling of ease, relaxation, and well-being as their structural and nerve stress release. Often people report a “lighter feeling”, the ability to breathe more deeply and sometimes an emotional release. Some people may feel like they have had a good workout, often in places they were never aware of before. This is usually temporary.